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Architecture and Construction

How to Proceed:

First Steps

  • Read your CR&R's, Article 14. If you don't have a set of your CR&R's. download them from our website ( or call our office (327-4240) to have a set sent to you.

Design Criteria

  • Draw up your exact measurements, including lists or samples of materials and colors. Make sure your plans show the proposed improvements on a site plan of your lot, indicating the 40-ft setback. 
  • All plans for new construction or remodeling in any of the Flechas must show the proposed location of all exterior utilities septic tank(s), leach fields and heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment, in order to be considered for review. 
  • If these items are not shown, permission to proceed will be denied, until the above criteria are met. In the event you are planning to attach an outbuilding to your primary dwelling structure, the new construction must comply with Pima County building codes, and the exterior materials and colors must be reasonably close to the architectural style of the original dwelling. If you are asking for a variance (if there is encroachment into the setback), we ask that you get your neighbors to sign the plans indicating their approval. If you have any questions regarding this step, contact our office (327-4240).

Architectural Review Committee

  • Submit a set of digital plans (PDF format) to the FCHOA Board of Directors ([email protected]), for examination by the Architectural Review Committee. This examination is for the sole purpose of determining the suitability of the exterior design as it relates to the Flecha Caida desire for residential architecture within the limits of the Flechas. 
  • Upon their receipt by this committee, you will be directed to submit two sets of plans to the Board's Architectural Consultant, whose name, phone number and address will be supplied to you at that time. There will be a nominal fee for his services.  

Review Construction and Zoning Rules

  • Review CR&Rs and resolve any existing violations. Some common issues are RVs, rooftop HVAC equipment, etc. Please contact us if you have any questions. 
  • All permanent construction and any remodeling within Flecha Caida subdivisions must be approved. Our consultant will usually discuss the plans with you, and then with the board at the next board meeting, should the need for further review arise. Once approved, most projects require two inspections during construction and one upon completion. 
  • In addition to meeting requirements of your CR&Rs, the Pima County zoning rules for CR-1 single residence zone as well as Pima County building codes (Title 15 of the Pima County Code) may also apply. When there is a conflict among the applicable rules, codes, and restrictions, the most stringent regulation applies. 

Plan Submittal:

  • All plans for construction of private roads and driveways and all building plans for any building, fence, corral, wall or structure to be erected upon any lot, including its proposed location, and any remodeling, reconstruction, alteration, or addition to any building, road, driveway or other structure on any lot requires the approval in writing of the board. 
  • Before beginning any work; submit one full set of Pima County approved building plans, in digital PDF format, including a site plan to the board ([email protected]) for the record.

Field Inspection

  • Field inspection are required by the FC consulting architect following the approval of plans submitted to the board. 

The basic building categories are: 

  • New Home Construction 
  • Enclosed Additions
  • Open Additions such as carports, ramadas, fences, corrals and  patio walls. 

These improvements require three inspections for compliance with approved plans: 

  • Layout or staking inspections prior to clearing or starting construction. 
  • Inspection after foundation footings are placed
  • Inspection upon completion 

Approvals for driveway locations require an inspection of layout and an inspection upon completion. Please contact FC Consulting Architect a minimum of 24 hours in advance for his prompt inspections.