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New Life in the Eighties

FCHOA and Committee Safety Decisions

It was the new board elected in 1980 that began to transition FCHOA to it's role as a positive force, not only within the subdivision but in the foothills area and the County. The first order of business being the low membership, the Board looked for ways to expand participation of Flecha residents. The first of these efforts was the creation of THE ARROW, the more or less quarterly publication that has become a vital means of keeping the homeowners informed and in touch. While there may not be on hundred percent readership, comments suggest that most people at least glance at it.

New committees were formed to deal with matters related to the exploding development of the foothills and of transportation. Another positive move was the result of a tragic event when a house burned to the ground because Rural Metro firefighters could not find the right street. A large portion of the treasury went toward renovating the street signs and using reflective lettering on these and the standard mailboxes to increase visibility at night.

Another early move was to convince the County to close off the streets leading north from River Road during the development of Heatherwood Hills, which lies to the north of Flecha #5. The comfort and safety of those living on the "four streets," as the project was called, was vastly increased. Then, trucks had to take alternate routes, one of which was built by Wood Brothers to create a construction entrance to the new subdivision.

Paving Flecha's Roads

Formation of the new committees and new altitudes did not occur a moment too soon. Early in 1983, then District One Supervisor Conrad Joyner and County Transportation Director Chuck Huckleberry approached the Board about paving all of Flecha's road. With maintenance of the dirt roads becoming more and more difficult as buried utilities were constantly exposed and ruptured, the idea appealed to most residents surveyed.

A single improvement district, something of a departure from the usual smaller ones, was about to be formed and the County offered minimal cost because of government EPA grants and some materials available from other projects. Plans were underway when the floods in the fall of 1983 put everything on hold as the County had to rebuild bridges and roads, as well as create retention basins and other methods of controlling the flow of water downhill.

FCHOA and Foothills Coalition

The next major event was the development of La Paloma Resort entering the community to the north and west of the Flechas. Relations with other area homeowners' groups proved to be of great value during this time. After talking with Supervisors and other groups and seeing the drastic zoning and building code changes proposed by La Paloma, FCHOA joined with others to form the Foothills Coalition, which eventually caused major modifications to the original designs for the resort. Thousands of signatures were collected and hundreds of residents attended hearings and meetings, eventually forcing the developers to decrease density, limit building heights to one story above ridge lines and create retention basins for flood control from the water hazards on the golf course. The result has been an attractive and unobtrusive addition to the foothills landscape. 

During this time, following the problems caused by the floods, FCHOA was instrumental in influencing a new ordinance regarding septic tanks. When county health officials proposed that septic tanks be cleaned out every three years, many residents of communities above the valley were alarmed. While everyone agreed that leaching fields should not be close to water resources, there seemed no problem with systems several hundred feet above the water table. The Board wrote a letter to the Supervisors and health officials recommending that, apart from areas subject to sheet flooding, septic systems are cleaned only as needed or upon sale of the property, similar to the law requiring termite inspection as part of sales. This was adopted unanimously and FCHOA was thanked for its solution to the problem.

Roadway Resolutions

Meanwhile, the paving project languished and nothing was done. The next chapter in the saga was the widening of Swan Road from Fort Lowell north of Sunrise, which involved some major changes in the Flechas. Several major problems existed: the roadway needed to be modified in grade to improve sight lines; Calle Barril would present a problem with its then offset egress off Swan, lowering one of the major hills would mean moving several driveways off Swan to other streets.

The Board worked with County design engineers and an excellent solution was reached on each of these problems. Property owners paid nothing for their new driveways, others were compensated for property taken to create a feeder road west of Swan, and the County donated a number of plants to re-landscape many properties. A postscript involved one homeowner involved in the driveway moving who also owned a lot just to the north of Calle del Pantera, one of the streets flooded in 1983. The Board suggested to Chuck Huckleberry that he give this individual some additional planting and a fair price for the lot, which is now a retention basin. Thus, Pantera no longer presents a flooding problem, nor do several other areas protected by the retention basins at La Paloma. 

Designing Resolutions with FCHOA

As work on Swan was progressing, another problem surfaced after a fatal accident on River Road at Dead Man's Curve. The County asked a private engineering firm to design a solution to the constant problems on this section of road, which resulted in a plan to create four lanes and a new right of way right through a number of homes to the south of River Road. FCHOA again joined a coalition with these homeowners and others concerned about the threat of making River into a major east-west artery at great expense. The result was an acceptable modification by County engineers to straighten the curve and add turnout lanes, as well as the limiting of the right of way at Craycroft to prevent a major arterial at that location. 

These were some of the major battles of the eighties, which ended with a constantly growing membership, Boards with the experience and enthusiasm to take on big projects and a well-managed organization.